The new business standards, digital business models, the differentiating and competitive nature of content and know-how, as well as the mass use of technology requires companies to protect their intangible assets, those that give meaning and raison d’être to the company’s activity. Our team has therefore focused its experience in on this area of growing importance, to offer advice on the acquisition and protection of copyright, trademarks, industrial designs, patents and know-how, as well as the exploitation and distribution of content, especially through the Internet and new formats.
Areas of expertise
All companies have intangible assets to protect, such as trademarks, inventions, designs and intellectual creations. It is essential to ensure the ownership of the rights to these assets and the best way to protect them. This is why, at Fourlaw we work with companies from different sectors to assist them in obtaining intellectual and industrial property rights and their suitable protection and defence.
The legal requirements regarding the compilation and use of data related to individuals are becoming more and more demanding. We therefore support our clients to ensure that they comply effectively and practically with data protection regulations in their business activity.
Incidents and doubts that put an investment at risk often arise in the process of creation, acquisition and exploitation of any intellectual or industrial property asset. In this case, a study of the situation is required to determine personalised, adequate and practical solutions. Our advice helps to minimize risks and resolve disputes relating to intellectual or industrial property.
Original creations on the Internet, including social media, the design of web pages and applications, databases and their contents are subject to intellectual property rights that need preserving. We advise companies that have an online presence on the most effective way to protect their intangible assets.
Intangible assets are the subject of contracts that are at the centre of a company’s interests. We have extensive and diverse experience in the preparation and review of contracts specifically related to intellectual and industrial property rights, such as licensing agreements, assignment of rights, co-existence agreements, co-ownership, agency and distribution agreements and confidentiality agreements.
Expert partner expert in intellectual property and new technologies

Diego Gutiérrez Ortega

We thrive on challenges and, after many years of practice in large firms, decided to create a multidisciplinary team, combining technical excellence with practical and effective advice.
Commercial law, intellectual property and new technologies, tax, litigation and bankruptcy.
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